Coaching Feedback
“I found the talk itself very easy to engage with. There was plenty of time to go over points that may need clarifying and an easy atmosphere to ask questions. The most challenging and rewarding aspects were when you asked us to pair up and formulate a simple SMART goal. I was stuck by the thinking involved in doing this task and have since been reflecting on my motivation for losing weight and possible reasons for not being focused. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do this in a non-judgmental atmosphere and presenting strategies I can continue to sue towards the goal of losing weight.”
~ M.G.
“My role at Ursuline High School is Entreprise Co-ordinator and part of my job is to design career and enterprise activities to motivate students through showing them the relevance of what they learn in school to their future success. To do this I rely on the support of professionals from a wide range of businesses and other organisations in the world of work. Nathalie has been a wonderful support in such activities. She has regularly taken part in our Speed career Networking day for all Year students (210 students). On this day with people from a range of different careers, she talks to pairs of student advising them about their skills, qualities and qualifications valued in the world of work increasing students’ confidence as they embark on the first steps towards their won careers making GCSE choices. She has also spoken on two occasions to our year 12 students in the 6th form advising them on preparing and taking part in interviews. In particular, how to present themselves for success and make sure they understand the importance of how others perceive them and how they can manage these perceptions. Students have responded extremely positively to her useful advice and stylish presentation.’
~ Lisa Thefaut – Entreprise Links Co-ordinator, Ursuline High School